
Novick Cardiac Alliance in Nizhni Novgorod

Doctors from the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital took part in a charitable mission of the team of Novick Cardiac Alliance in Nizhni Novgorod.

In the photo from left to right: Evgeni Suslin (Belarus), Frank Mollou (England), Mary Anne (Canada), William Novick (USA), Oksana Shablyko (Belarus), Alexandr Kryzhanovskiy (Belarus), Artur Barsumyan (Belarus), Janey Penk (USA).

Once again a group of specialists-volunteers form the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital took part in a charitable mission of the team of Novick Cardiac Alliance under the leadership of the famous American pediatric heart surgeon William Novick.

The main aim of every mission of this kind is transfer of personal experience to local doctors as well as provision of assistance in treatment of children with complex congenital heart diseases.

This time the charitable mission of the team of Novick Cardiac Alliance took part in Nizhni Novgorod from September 25 till October 8. During this period ten children with complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) were successfully operated through the cooperative efforts by our colleagues from the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital, specialists from the USA, Canada and Australia and local doctors. Among them there are three newborn infants with transposition of great arteries, total anomalous pulmonary veins drainage and breakup of aortic arch; one child with the most complex CHD – hypoplastic left-heart syndrome. Two more patients were operated according to Fontan.

The Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital was represented in the international team of Novick Cardiac Alliance by five specialists: Olga Kozhemyakina (Anesthesiologist), Evgeni Suslin (Intensivist), Alexandr Kryzhanovski (Intensivist), Artur Barsumyan (internship doctor on pediatric surgery) and Oksana Shablyko (a nurse from intensive care department). Charitable missions of the international team of Doctor Novick take place on a regular basis and the colleagues of the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital regularly participate in them.

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