
The Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital Hosted a Forum on Pediatric Surgery


The Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital  hosted an international forum on pediatric surgery visited by more than 100 leading specialists in treatment and care for children with surgical pathology on December 4-5, 2018.

Plenary reports of chief visiting specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus highlighted acheivements and development trends of pediatric surgery and cardiac surgery in our country.

Key trends and current technologies in treatment of Hirsprungs disease, gastroschisis, esophagoplasty, differential diagnostics and treatment tactics of patients with infantile hemangiomas were discussed during sectional meetings.

The first experience of transcatheter “melody” valve implantation and the case of succsessful radiafrequency ablation of posteroseptal additional pathway from coronary sinus were discussed in cardiac surgery section. Special attention was devoted  to the development of extracorporal membrane oxigenation in pediatric practice as well as new methods to prevent kidney injury under cardiopulmonary bypass.

Forum Program included such questions for discussion as interdisciplinary approaches to preventive measures of stenosis, aneurysmal expansion, calcification and ossification of pericardial transplants to determine key trends in chemical modifications of bioprotheses and evidence-based methods for evaluating their effectiveness.

Pediatric surgeons, cardiac surgeons, intensivists, cardiologists, pediatric physicians participated in the Forum. Guests from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Astana took part in discussions of reports.

Collections of forum materials is published. Collections of forum reports is planned to be published.

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