On May 26, 2017 the representatives of the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital participated in a Business Forum Change Management by Ichak Adizes.
Doctor Ichak Kalderon Adizes has signed one of his books Managing Corporate Lifecycles for the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital.
Various principles of the Adizes Methodology are being employed in the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital.
Oktay Iskenderov and Ales Muhin (Karavan), Andrey Yahnovec (YurSpektr), Dmitry Kazachkov (1C-Rarus) and other famous practicians, introducing the Adizes Methodology at their companies, participated in the Forum.
Doctor Ichak Kalderon Adizes is one of the world’s leading management experts, an outstanding specialist in effective business management. He is a founder of the Adizes Institute, one of the Top-10 consulting companies in the world, with branches in 15 countries.
Doctor Adizes is an academic advisor at Executive MBA and MBA IBBA, Dr.h.c. of RANEPA (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).
Over the course of almost 40 years Ichak Adizes has taught at California, Stanford and Hebrew Universities, has worked with several hundreds of leading companies as a business advisor, consulted Prime Ministers of Sweden, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Island, Mexico and Macedonia. Bank of America, Coca-Cola Bottling, IBM Brazil are among the 52 companies to cooperate with Adizes.
He is the author of 29 books, translated into 26 languages. One of Adizes scientific theories – the theory of corporate lifecycles – is described in his book Managing Corporate Lifecycles. The key point of the theory is that any company goes through various stages of development: birth, childhood, adolescence, etc.. A company faces development problems and all the challenges any creature faces during its life. The Adizes theory is a kind of perpetual youth secret for a corporation.
Another famous Adizes theory, which explains the typology of leaders, is described in the book How To Solve The Mismanagement Crisis. According to his model PAEI, a leader needs four characteristics for efficiency: P – producer, A – administrator, E – entrepreneur, I – integrator. All four cannot coexist in one person, that is why a corporation must have several strong managers.