International Congress on Pediatric Endoscopy

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital and the Belarusian Children’s Fund are conducting an International Congress on Pediatric Endoscopy on September 11-13, 2019 in Minsk.

The Congress will address general and specific issues of diagnostic and interventional endoscopy in childhood. The Congress program includes lectures, discussions of cases from practice, live-demonstration from the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital operating wards and a training seminar.


  • Head of the Department of Endoscopic Research NMRC for Children’s Health, MD Maxim Lokhmatov (Russia)
  • Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Interventional Endoscopist, Professor in Pediatric Gastroenterology Mike Thomson (UK)
  • Head of Diagnostics Department of the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital Kirill Marakhouski (Belarus)

Venue: Willing Hotel, 50 Lenina street, Minsk, Belarus

Chief coordinator: Kirill Marakhouski, e-mail:

For any information, please, contact Tatiana Maskalenko by phone +375 17 296 67 63 or e-mail

The program of the Congress

Welcome speech

of the chief coordinator of the Congress on Pediatric Surgery Kirill Marakhouski, the head of diagnostics department at the Children’s Surgery Natioanl Applied Research Hospital:

“There is no secret, that endoscopy is a high-tech, progressively developing speciality. Perhaps, there is no other medical discipline that has so revolutionary changed for the last 20 years. Fundamentally, new areas both diagnostic and interventional has aresen within the speciality.

We all work in a specific part of endoscopy – a pediatric one. Is it right to single it out? Is there ane special pathology, peculiar only to children? Sure there is! There are special requirements to equipment, used in children and there is a group of pathologies, which could be found only in children. Special performing conditions for a safe endoscopic intervention also differ.

Working with children you understand that you must be ready to face any, even the rarests diasease. For some of these diseases there is no more than a dozen of cases and publications. I believe that professional development is only possible with sharing experiences.

We are glad to invite all collegues working in the field of pediatric endoscopy and those who are interested in this speciality to the 3-days Congress on Pediatric Endoscopy – 2019, which will take place in Minsk, Belarus. Both beginners and experienced endoscopists are welcome. We want to share our experience with you and ask you to share yours.

World-class specialists are invited to the Congress as keynote speakers.

We look forward to seeing you in Minsk!”

About Minsk. Minsk is a capital of Belarus. It is located in the heart of the country. It is an amazingly beautiful and clean city, which has its own unique atmosphere. Its area is about 350 and its population is close to 2 million people.  National airport is 42 km. from Minsk. Average temperature in September is 16 -18 ºC.

Throughout its history, Minsk has been destroyed and restored dozens of times. One of the main sights of Minsk is an Independence Avenue, its length is 15 km, it is one of the longest city highways in Europe.In the old town you may find preserved temples and historic attractions. Its pearl is Trinity suburb, where you can see the XIX century buildings and walk around narrow brick streets. The second main highway of Minsk lies from the old Upper town along Trinity suburb.

Willing Hotel is a 3+ star hotel, which is situated in the center of Minsk at the junction of Lenina and Oktyabrskaya streets.

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