
Prefix DOI given to the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital

The staff of the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital is actively publishing the results of their own scientific researches in the sphere of medicine and fundamental sciences. Annually the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital initiates and publishes collections of scientific articles which are being sent to the central libraries across the country and book stocks.

As a co-publisher the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital has received DOI prefix 10.31997 for the purpose of promotion of publications’ citedness and availability to scientists from other countries. DOI prefix will assist in searching all the articles of the Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital, previously published or new ones prepared for publication, in Internet and making DOI cross-linking.

The Children’s Surgery National Applied Research Hospital has become the first institution-copublisher in Belarus to receive prefix DOI by the national partner CROSSREF in the regions of Belarus.


Digital object identifier (abbr. DOI) – standard designation of the information about the object presented in the network. The information contained in the DOI of an electronic document contains a pointer to its location (for example, URL), its name, other object identifiers (for example, ISBN for an electronic image of a book), and a set of data (metadata) associated with the object in a structured and extensible form.

DOI is adopted in the English-speaking scientific environment for the exchange of data between scientists. In fact, DOI is the way to the document in the common information-virtual space, to obtain the necessary information.

Prefixes are allocated to publishers, registration agencies (DOI Registration Agency), such as CrossRef and DataCite. The suffix is generated by the publisher and must be unique for that publisher. Digital object identifier can incorporate existing identifiers such as ISBN, International standard Serial Number, or SICI.

The digital identifier of the object is case-insensitive.


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