X-ray room

1st floor (office No. 1)

  • Head of the department:
    Diana Alexandrovna Kuharskaya
    X-ray laboratory assistant (senior) of the department:
    Natalia Vladimirovna Gorelchik
  • +375 17 292-35-61 — Head of the department
    +375 17 272-35-61 — X-ray laboratory assistant (senior) of the department

The Department of Radiation Diagnostics is a structural subdivision of the Russian National Center for Pediatric Surgery and carries out a wide range of modern highly informative X-ray diagnostic research methods. During the year, the children’s center performs more than 15,000 thousand X-ray examinations.

During the entire existence of the children’s surgical center (DCC), including after the formation of the RNPC of Pediatric surgery, the X-ray room of our institution carried out all types of X-ray examinations for the X-ray room equipped with three workstations: a turntable, a tripod, a table, a vertigraph. In the X-ray room, all types of routine X-ray examinations, X-ray examinations with contrast, manipulations in which X-ray control is necessary, for example: balloon dilation of a hollow organ, surgical removal of foreign bodies. The peculiarity of our institution is that our X-ray room performs X-ray examinations by patients of any age, including infants, newborns with critically low body weight. Due to the availability of mobile X-ray machines, X-ray examinations can also be performed in wards, including in intensive care units with the possibility of obtaining an X-ray image immediately, on the spot.

All work of the X-ray service is carried out using digital technologies, without the use of X-ray film, which allows you to significantly increase the speed of work, expand the possibilities for transmitting information and receiving or providing remote consultation.

The office is open around the clock

In 2021, the radiology department’s fleet was replenished with modern mobile digital devices that allow you to instantly receive high-quality images and reduce the radiation burden on patients. Rapid diagnostic capabilities made it possible to accurately route patient flows, which is important in a real epidemiological situation.

Staff of the X-ray room

Doctors of the second, first and highest qualification categories work in the X-ray room. The cabinet staff has extensive work experience. Doctors constantly take part in conferences, training, work in other clinics, etc.

Range of services

All types of graphic and microscopic X-ray examinations, both standard and special techniques, are performed in the department:

  • paranasal sinuses, skull, radiographs of bones and joints of extremities, spine with functional tests

  • chest and abdominal radiographs

  • radiopaque examinations of the gastrointestinal tract (X-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach, provocative tests, GER, irrigography) and urinary system (urography, cystography)

  • X-ray control of individual surgical manipulations, drainage, puncture, dilatation of the hollow organ, extraction of foreign bodies

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