Provision of medical services to foreign citizens

The state institution Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery provides medical services to foreign citizens on a paid basis in accordance with the current regulation on the procedure for providing paid services in the state institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery”.

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the admission is carried out by highly qualified specialists of the highest category, with extensive clinical experience

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a wide range of consultative and diagnostic assistance is provided, including the full range of ultrasound and functional research methods

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both planned surgical and cardiac surgery care and round-the-clock emergency surgical care for patients are provided

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The procedure for providing paid medical services:

  • the provision of paid medical services is carried out by appointment, or without it, subject to availability of free space in the appointment schedule of the specialist providing the service

  • in order to receive medical services on a paid basis, an appropriate agreement is concluded between the patient and the clinic administration with subsequent payment for this service

  • single (one-time) services are provided after advance payment of the full cost of the service in accordance with the current price list

  • comprehensive medical services (inpatient treatment) are provided after advance payment, including the cost of stay in the clinic and the estimated cost of treatment, followed by a final calculation upon completion of treatment


The algorithm of the patient's actions

Step-by-step guide for patients applying for paid medical services
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The cost of paid medical services

Paid medical services are provided in accordance with the approved list of services and tariffs for medical services
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Payment for medical services

Detailed information about the procedure and methods of payment for medical services provided on a paid basis
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Healthy children are happy parents!

The only and most important goal of all our work is to help any child find a bright future without diseases. We give not only hope… And that’s why our patients trust us with the most valuable thing — their health!

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